
Experience rapid rejuvenation with our Precision Quick Shine. Tailored for those on-the-go, this service offers a quick car wash, ensuring a sparkling exterior in just an hour. Utilizing advanced techniques for exterior wash and dry, window polish, and tire gloss, it's the ideal choice for busy individuals seeking quick and efficient car detailing.

Additional $50 charge possible depending on condition of vehicle

Precision Quick Shine

Please note that the prices mentioned above are base prices. Additional charges may apply depending on the condition of your vehicle or if any extra services are requested.

We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations with our attention to detail and professionalism. Give your car the care it deserves Experience rapid rejuvenation with our Precision Quick Shine. Tailored for those on-the-go, this service offers a quick car wash, ensuring a sparkling exterior in just an hour. Utilizing advanced techniques for exterior wash and dry, window polish, and tire gloss, it's the ideal choice for busy individuals seeking quick and efficient car detailing.and book our Elite Detail Package today!

Contact us at 902-309-5422 or email us at info@precisionprodetailng.com to schedule an appointment or for any inquiries. We look forward to serving you and providing an exceptional detailing experience for your vehicle!